Palma Beach

Hello everybody,

this is a taste on what you may find in Platja de Palma in Mallorca, apart from some 50 cm gilt-head and sea-robin fish I hadn't the luck to put on camara, there are plenty of sting-rays and flat fish.

I usually approach rays from behind and after a period of about 10 minutes to let them understand I mean no harm. and after very slowly I try to catch them... so far, no luck. When rays flee away they run in circles at first because the y try to get a position of attack on you, who will do your best to keep yourself behind their tail for extra precaution, although they are a very mild being. Flat-fish usually pair with them, I guess for extra protection from predators (?!).

Here you can have a glimpse of what we find at about 50m off shore.

Cala Sant Vicenc in Majorca

Cala Sant Vicenc in Mallorca and some pieces of Formentor... a really crowded Formentor...

Sand bubbles...

Cala Sant Vicenc's octopus.

Before Formentor

We could see the big mollusc in the shell, they say pearl-shell?!

Awesome places between Formentor, Cala Sant Vicenc and an over-all fauna.

Hunting in Sant Elm

Some fun.

Underwater 1 mile off the coast with Pablo.

10 m and exploring the depths....

On the small island between Sa Dragonera and Sant Elm with Carlos and Pablo.

Up to get some air.