Another day in the beach in Palma Beach at Majorica.


 A crested bone-like head fish... does anyone what type is it?
 The cannibal octopus?!?!?!
 Captured cuttlefish...
Freed after a while =)

Palma Beach

Hello everybody,

this is a taste on what you may find in Platja de Palma in Mallorca, apart from some 50 cm gilt-head and sea-robin fish I hadn't the luck to put on camara, there are plenty of sting-rays and flat fish.

I usually approach rays from behind and after a period of about 10 minutes to let them understand I mean no harm. and after very slowly I try to catch them... so far, no luck. When rays flee away they run in circles at first because the y try to get a position of attack on you, who will do your best to keep yourself behind their tail for extra precaution, although they are a very mild being. Flat-fish usually pair with them, I guess for extra protection from predators (?!).

Here you can have a glimpse of what we find at about 50m off shore.

Cala Sant Vicenc in Majorca

Cala Sant Vicenc in Mallorca and some pieces of Formentor... a really crowded Formentor...

Sand bubbles...

Cala Sant Vicenc's octopus.

Before Formentor

We could see the big mollusc in the shell, they say pearl-shell?!

Awesome places between Formentor, Cala Sant Vicenc and an over-all fauna.

Hunting in Sant Elm

Some fun.

Underwater 1 mile off the coast with Pablo.

10 m and exploring the depths....

On the small island between Sa Dragonera and Sant Elm with Carlos and Pablo.

Up to get some air.

Estellencs, the aquarium in Majorica

                                                                   EL AQUARIUM

Primero pulpo del verano, aunque el agua sea helada.

Medusas gigantes bajo de nuestros pies

Un fungo enorme.

 Los pescadores latinos.

Es Calo' Des Moros - Cala S'Almonia

Mallorca, southern part of the island... caves and clear and cold waters in April.

Octopus stealing snorkels...

Speedboat to Paqueta, Brazil

Carl's boat outside Privilege Island

 Cow Ray found dead.
